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Is it necessary to evaluate?

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Hi Mates,

This time, I bring you an engaging example of article about education, as you probably know, it is a recurring topic at the language school. From my point of view, it is an excellent way to practice your writing, to keep informed about potential topics and to be exposed to a new rage of vocabulary.

Task. B2 level.

Write an article about exams using 200-220 words .

  • If they are useful or not.
  • If we should change or improve the educational system.
  • If exams have the negative consequences.

At the end of this post, you will find information about the structure of an article.

And this could well be an example…

Is it necessary to evaluate?

On education issues, there is something that never changes despite the years, a wide class plenty of anxious people who are waiting to be evaluated, and what for?

It is said that students have to demonstrate everything they have learnt during the course, to corroborate that they have been able to assimilate all the necessary concepts for their education. Depending on the stage of their life where they are, this can affect them in one way or another.

It is well known that exams can produce an enormous amount of severe traumas in children and young adults. Even after years, in their adult life, those people keep on suffering the negative consequences. However, it is still believed that it is the best way, and nothing could be further from the truth, because evaluating is not necessarily to take an exam. There are multiple ways to examine students far less traumatic, forms of assessment which in addition can make that inactive periods caused by the exams disappear.

As if that were not enough, the traditional assessment creates a progressive social exclusion that is generating insecurity and school failure. Besides, what does that tell you about what has been happening over the last years in relation to Education? So, unfortunately there is something that is wrong, something that does not work well.

From my point of view, the important things here are, regardless of student’s grades, the positive reinforcement and paying attention to the student’s needs in an individualized and constructive manner. Sometimes, the positive reinforcement is stronger than a grade. I firmly believe that this is the moment to help, to advise individually because all students are not the same. That is the idea, just lack decision!

PS; This is just an example of a writing and not always they express what I really think. You should know that sometimes some topics are really controversial. Although I recommend you to personalize your works such as, speakings, writings and so on. You will find it easier to do them.

Structure of an article

An article is a piece of writing for publication in a magazine, newspaper, etc. It may be formal or informal in style and has as a main purpose to provide information, present an opinion, describe a place, etc.

But there are some specialised articles such as the news reports, for brief publications in newspapers, written in a formal and impersonal style. And reviews, which can be formal or semi-formal, focused on assessing or discussing a book, a film, etc. They are normally written in present tenses.

But all of them consist of:

  • It begins with an engaging headline, maybe a question. The title should give a clear idea of what the article is about, using the present simple tense. But I usually decide it at the end, because it is easier, after writing all the article you will have a much clearer view.
  • After that, a short introductory paragraph, maybe two or three lines, a brief summary of what the article will show.
  • A main body with different ideas addressed to a specific type of reader (maybe formal in style or informal using the second person “you”). It is really important to cover all the points given in the exam, separated into paragraphs. Besides, the article has to be consistent with the organization and adapt the language to the required level. Depending on the type of article, news report or review, you may use connectors such as: to begin with, it is widely known that, the main reason for, it is popularly believed that, as a general rule, initially, this film is set in, this play is directed by, this book is the sequel to… and so on.
  • And finally, a conclusion, opinion, recommendation or comment. Depending on the type of article, you may use: to conclude, on the whole, if these suggestions were followed, to sum up, all in all, taking everything into account, you should definitely read, it is well worth seeing… Even you may finish with a rhetorical question to generate expectation.

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